Friday, September 28, 2012

september packages!

i got a great birthday package from my dallin this month, very classic missionary :)
clothes he's tired of hauling around, old holey no soled shoes, and silly birthday things :) i love him! and such a cute letter and birthday card.
and then i got to send his 20 months down, 4 to go package! i can't believe i only get to send 3 more packages now!!
so now that we're in the countdown stage, thats what i'm sending in his packages. so i did things in fours!! silly things :)
four delicious rice side dishes, four twixes, four kit kats, four single serving salsas, four sports ball mazes, four puddings, four monster trucks. you get the idea. plus if he can eat it he wont have to haul it around!

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