Sunday, November 6, 2011

important kiddos in my life

i am so blessed to work with so many kids every day! i teach dance everyday during the week, preschool on thursdays, and primary on sundays. i love each of them and i have enjoyed getting to know them as the sweet little souls that they are. a couple mornings ago, in one of my 3 year old dance classes, we were sitting down in a circle to talk about what we were working on in class, blah blah. i'm in the middle of a sentence when i get interrupted by one of my sweetie pies, saying 'teacher when we dont have class do you miss us? every day?' and i do i really do. so i told her that. then she says 'its because you really do love us isnt it?' and i really do love them! so i told them so. and then for the next five minutes the only sound in the studio was my five precious little girls in tutus each telling me how much they loved me, getting progressively louder. it was just one of those things that makes your day exponentially better you know?? later that afternoon, i had another older dance class. we were practicing pirhouettes, and one girl turns to me and says 'tu es bonita'. then keeps dancing. now i know thats not proper spanish but i do know what it means. so i thank her and tell her she's beautiful too. she stops turning and says 'i mean it!' which was just silly because i had no makeup on. haha i dont know why she said it in spanish, she must have just learned it at school. but in any language, i'll take it!
i love helping my mama at preschool. those 8 kids are just so fun. they get wild, but i love to watch their faces when we're reading a story they dont know, or explaining a craft they havent done. i love their big hugs after they get their hand sanitizer, and the non stop chatter of miss hilary this is what i did yesterday. i love watching them at recess, they are so intent on their games. i loved watching one boy race himself arond the basketball court, proclaim himself winner of his BIG RACE, run a victory lap shouting thusly, and giving me a leaf so i could present him with his prize for winning his big race. i love being in a learning environment!
i love my primary kids. i have a class of 7 kids, all turning six this year. i usually get at least one picture every week. sometimes theyre loud and we have to play lots of attention games before we can start, but i love teaching them things they dont know. today we were practicing for our primary program next week, and i was so proud of how brave my kids were to get up and say their parts. i love hearing them sing, and when the dont know the words, humming the tune loudly. theyre so cute! teaching primary is such a big responsibility, when i think about how little they know, and how much they will rely on their teacher to tell them! when i keep in mind how vitally important it is, it makes this calling so much easier.
i love being with these kids, and verbal or nonverbal, their thanks and love makes every day so much better!


  1. You are amazing and your just getting the first glimpes of what you are capable of sharing in this big world! Blow em' away babe!

  2. I work with kids all the time, aren't they just the best?? Once a girl told me I ha "Princess Hair" it made my life!

