Saturday, January 31, 2015

happy birthday gram!

We had a little birthday party for gram on fourth Sunday dinner. We ate things we thought she would have loved for a Sunday dinner. So yummy! She was a wonderful cook and it was delicious for all of us to use her recipes! We even did shots for her of her famous green smoothie (ick!). 

This whole big beautiful family sure misses her. 
Happy birthday gram!! 

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fresh new year

Here's our January! 
It's been a big month! We have a few new things coming up, and it was dallin's birthday and his two year home-from-his-mission-versary! I'm taking on a lot of exciting new things so I'm excited for a busy spring!

New Year's Eve party! We went to Rickenbacker's for dinner with Kim and Steve and then brought them back for game night with my family! 

I'm cracking down on my personal progress! Being in Beehives is so fun and it's fun to do this along with the girls!

Look at this cute grandpa ice fishing!

Acrylic painting class with the mother in law 

Funnest double date :)

Happy birthdays dallin and dad!

Took dallin to the moon for his birthday!
Also the planetarium, the aquarium, schedules, and el matador.
River monsters
Shark tunnel
We found out its way too tall AFTER we waited in line for an hour

I will never stop buying things like this for my favorite niece! 

FINALLY took down christmas :(

handsome started his first engineering design class! SO PROUD
temple trip
jazz game
lucky to have this great guy that will go rescue his mom's dead car in the rain!!

I got to shoot these GORGEOUS maternity pictures for this cute couple! 
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Saturday, January 3, 2015

a year of temples

Dallin and I completed our goal to go to the temple at least once a month every month in 2014!
Many months we went more than that, but we always got there once. 
I love the temple. I love being able to go with my sweetheart and be reminded of the promises we've made there. I love to feel so close to heaven in these beautiful houses of God. I have a huge testimony of the blessings that come from attending the temple.

We are excited to make this a goal again this year. We will go as often as we can, but at least once a month. It has turned into a beautiful habit and something we need. 

"I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of The Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you." 
- President Gordon B. Hinckley

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Thursday, January 1, 2015

the most wonderful time of the year

I love December! And christmastime!!!

My cute sister in law got ENGAGED and she let me take her ENGAGEMENTS!! So exciting and so fun

So maybe I carry Christmas holly in my purse.

Quilting is always a blast. Especially with Stanley by your side

Handsome surprised me with tickets to see SYTYCD live your for early Christmas! It was SO FUN HOLY COW

Our 2014 Christmas card

One of my favorite gifts I gave was to my grandparents, parents, and aunts and uncles. I'm doing this big genealogy project this year, and I got my great grandparent's 60th anniversary video transferred to DVDs for everyone. This video is so sweet, my mom interviewed them about their adventures in their marriage thus far. Just adorable.

Got to talk to this mission cutie in UKRAINE Christmas Eve!

Our own little tree on Christmas morning. I love our little family of two. I have is much fun picking out thoughtful things and silly things for my sweetheart. We had a pretty good haul this year! Our favorites being: an ice cream maker, books, my GOLD IPHONE 6, nail polish and sparkly jewelry, jazz tickets, you get the picture.

We've been wanting to build our collection of Christmas books! And I've been wanting It Is 
Better To Look up for a while. We're excited to also use our family home evening for newlywed book! Too fun

We ended December with a trip to our temple. Ogden. What more do I need than an eternal companion who takes me to the temple?

We had a wonderful December filled with the Christmas spirit and the Light of Christ. 

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