Friday, May 9, 2014


Spring has been so lovely!! We've been doing so much fun stuff, and we have so many more fun things coming up!! 

We went to the fun center with our fav stokes'. Bowling, mini golf, and laser tag! The funnest! 

Horrible pictures, I know. But still fun!!

The next day we went to the new aquarium in draper. SO FUN and beautiful. It woke up my childhood desire to be a marine biologist. But then I remembered (as I did back then) I'm terrified of the open ocean and whales, so that dream got crushed. again. Hahaha

The shark tunnel was my favorite :)
I love the penguins!!
Plus that girl was wearing a belle dress, rainbow jacket, and sparkly purple cowboy boots hahaha

NOT real whales

We got to go to regional stake conference at the conference center!! 

And got pretty good seats :)

Made some incredible lemon cookies with even more incredible lemon filling. So yum, and even MY MOM said they were UNBELIEVABLE. Gigantic compliment

Finally beat 2048. Huge weight off my shoulders haha

Made what is quite possibly my favorite wreath ever. In love with it
But seriously. Look at his little birdie face 

I ordered the family: a proclamation to the world from my cute friend Ashley with a picture from our wedding behind it. It's gorgeous I love it!! You can order one here

Finally got around to painting these cute letters! Yay me

And look what's blooming and doing beautifully????

Such a wonderful start to spring :)