Friday, November 30, 2012

november package, and 22 months down!

i haven't had time to write about my 22 month party! only 2 left! i can't believe that. sooo so so soon. and for my party we went to see breaking dawn part 2 :) which i loved. i can't believe i only get one more month party before my giant ultimate party!! :)

for his thanksgiving package, i tried to find thanksgivingy colors, and things that came in 2s. which turned out to be candy. which was fine because he loves candy! i love being able to do countdowns in packages now, i crack myself up with this candy bar stuff haha!!

reeses pieces :) 
haha :)

2 in each! plus they arent making them anymore hahahaha

inside this, it said "you are the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie of life" haha :) so true he is my sweetheart :)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

more november thankfuls

i have time for a few more thankfuls today!
i'm thankful for:
  • my job! i love to be able to share my love for dance. dancing is one of the biggest things that has shaped me to be who i am.
  • hair school! i'm so grateful to get to go learn and practice what i love. and i'm so thankful for my many friends and family that are willing to come in and let me play with their hair!!
  • the mailman. he always puts my letters on top where i can find them fast! and everytime one of us is outside when he swings by he asks how i'm doing and how my letters are :) haha. and he delivers mail safely and promptly! ps 67 days left :)
  • friends weddings. i'm lucky to have friends good enough to want me to share and help in their special day! i got to be a bridesmaid in a beautiful wedding yesterday. i was there for the temple and pictures, the luncheon, and the reception, but one of my favorite moments of the day was in the morning. we were standing outside of the bountiful temple freeeeeezing cold taking pictures, when my cute friend called to her new husband to come over by her. watching her face while she realized that she can call him her husband from now until eternity was adorable. i'm so happy for them! and that leads me to:
  • i'm so thankful for the gospel and temples. how fortunate are we that we can be sealed to our familes forever?!

Monday, November 12, 2012

feel twinkly

love this. remember there's always something to feel twinkly about! never lose your sparkle.

november thankfuls

i love autumn and thanksgiving. so much. i love to be around family and i love a hot busy kitchen that smells delicious. and i love having the excuse to think of things you're thankful for! something we really should be doing more often.
i knew there was no way i would actually do my thanksgiving thankful every single day. and i was right haha. so here's a chunk. there's so many more but that would take ages. maybe i'll remember to do a better job and put them up. but no promises :)
i am so thankful for:
  • my family. my big crazy loud family. i''m so blessed to have so many good examples for so many different things. and i'm so lucky to have so many people that love me unconditionally. i learn so much from each of them.
  • my dallin. i'm so thankful for his willingness to serve! i'm so thankful for his incredible example and i'm so lucky to have all his love. (ps 72 days left!!)
  • sister bestie taytaybaby. i'm so thankful for tayler. she is ALWAYS there to support me in everything. she's there for the laughter and the smiles and the crying. whatever i need whenever i need. i'm so blessed to have such a good friend.
  • all my other friends. i'm so thankful for their support and ears that listen and shoulders to lean on :)
  • my car, dancemobile. she's a silly old thing but she works like a charm, and gets me everywhere i need.
  • my DVR. i'm thankful i can watch all my shows that i can't make it to in real time!
  • my trusty combat boots. they have been everywhere with me. plus they go with everything :)
  • my missionary bear. what a good cuddler. he's always there for a hug and to wipe my occasional tears :)
  • christmas music. christmas music rules all. like the knicks. i'm so happy that christmas music comes on the radio so early, its months late in my book. and while we're at it, lets remember to be thankful for michael buble, and all his music, christmas or not.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


so excited for my cousin and one of my best friends to serve her mission! she got her call yesterday, to HONG KONG!!
she will do so amazing! i miss her already. i'm so proud of her and so excited for her to start this next great adventure!


can't sleep! my mind has been going a million miles a minute about a billion different things.
so thankful i remembered this. love it: