Tuesday, July 24, 2012

tell it on tuesday

today i am telling...
how excited i am to officially finally start to find foods that expire AFTER my dallin comes home! do you know how long i've been looking forward to this?? i know its weird and silly and probably a little gross, but i promise i'm not saving the food to eat after he's back! just taking a picture and saying aawwwweee! and getting big butterflies in my tummy that have nothing to do with eating expired ranch.
hard to see, but still exciting! it feels good to be in the less than 6 month range. only 183 days left!
jan 24 2013, day RIGHT AFTER! :)

jan 31 2013, week after!

Monday, July 23, 2012

monday mood

this monday, my mood is apologetic.

i would like to formally apologize to Alexa Chung for thinking she is dumb and annoying and has childishly small clothes and messy baby hair. this picture clearly shows i was wrong in all categories. i am dearly sorry.
i officially love Alexa Chung.

xoxo hil, alexa chung fan.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

sunday rundown

this is the part where i tell about my week in one big breath. ready go.
thursday was the 19th, my 18 month party!! i spent it all alone, my family was in blackfoot, and my bestie tayler was working. we always do something fun for my party, it really is a big occasion. usually dinner and a movie. 18 months down 6 months left is pretty momentous, so i was bummed to be alone! but my very best bestie (this is why she's the best) brought me a party in a bag! all my favorite candies, a sparkly 6 candle, and six kit kats with things i DON'T have to do without my dallin, like no more spring general conferences, no februarymarchaprilmayjune, no 4 of julys, etc. and six diet coke cans with things i have left. like one more twilight movie, one more phone call, one more birthday, you know. it was awesome and cute and just what i needed! i am so lucky to have such a good friend.

friday and saturday i got to go up to blackfoot, idaho for the ellis family reunion, full of fun, traditions, and family.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

july package. 6 months left!!

on the 19th, dallin will have been on his mission for 18 months! that means only 6 months left!! today i sent him his 6 months left party package. i filled the balloons with confetti and each with a note inside.

telling it on tuesday

i have nothing to tell today! boring day haha. i did cut my dad's hair at school today. and he's a big tipper! i'm grateful for that :) my parents do so much for me! i am one lucky girl.


Monday, July 16, 2012

monday mood

monday mood:
content. and grateful.
i'm so lucky to have the best friends i do! i'm so thankful for my bestie and all she does for me! i love a good long talk. thank you for caring so much about me and my life. i love you sister! thank you for being so supportive always. i'm also so thankful for my best friend dallin, thankful for everything he is doing to serve the Lord, and everything he is doing for our future!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

tell it on tuesday

here's what i told myself today:
if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.
self explanatory.


Monday, July 9, 2012

mood on monday

today we went to red lobster. loved it! the whole place put me in the mood to be on the east coast.
i would loooove to go on a staycation here!! i will. someday!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


today i have 199 days left til my dallin comes home!! i can't believe it! that feels so soon, compared to starting with 735! i'm so proud of him and all his hard work. i'm so lucky! just had to share how excited i was :) love you babe!

june package

sadly, my phone deleted my pictures of my may package! it was simple, just his favorite candies and pictures.
but for june, i sent a box of sunshine! :)
i did everything yellow. yellow beach ball and sunscreen and tons of yellow candy and lemonade and yellow balloons and of course confetti!
i melted a spoon while we were up camping a couple weeks ago, a fun tradition :)