Sunday, October 23, 2011

candy corn!

so much candy corn!! 8 bags! me and my bestie tay made wreaths :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

halloween jars!

arent these halloween jars adorable?? i mod podged tissue paper to the jars, and when you put candles in them, they glow! more holiday crafts to come! :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

october package!

happy october! this has lots and lots of treats and one trick :) theres a creepy bat in there! it says i'm batty for you :) besides the candy, i sent his missionary bear back! his bear had a hole in his back that dallin needed me to sew up for him! so i'm sending him back fresh and good as new :)

past packages!

i need to catch up my blog with all my past packages before i can put my october package up!!
february package: my dallin had been out almost a whole month, but had been in TN exactly a week on valentines day, and feb 14th is our anniversary! i made a book of my 14 favorite memories, and sent lots and lots of candy! march package: i did all things green! green candy, green confetti, green gum, green kool aid, green tie, and green baby food and fart putty (inside jokes) :)

april package: easter eggs! lots of easter eggs, filled with candy and toys :) and enough to share with his companions!

may package: it was tornado season in tennessee, so i made a tornado kit!! i put in safety facts, pictures, candies, and a flashlight june package: youre an incREDible missionary package :) all things red!! he really is incredible :)
july package: triple package haha it was our six month mark, fourth of july package, and fathers day package that i didnt send with the june package! i took pictures of doing sparklers on the fourth of july that said i love you, and with the six months letter i put 6 confetti! which i made by cutting off all the 0's from 60th birthday confetti, and a motab cd he wanted :)

august package: i did refills on everything! new paper and pens and stamps and gum :)
september package: happy my birthday! i sent him everything we would use at my birthday, since he's missing it! pink of course :)