Thursday, January 19, 2012

1 year down!!

its finally here! january 19th. today is my dallin's birthday. and his mission year mark! i cannot believe its been a whole year! all day i've been singing ooohhh we're halfway there, ooohhhh livin on a prayer!
so true! 1 year left! and i have been living on constant prayers.
i am so thankful for everything my dallin does for me. i'm so thankful for my family and friends who support us in this. this time has flown, which just goes to show me that what we're doing is right. a missionary is someone who leaves their family for a short time so that others may be with their familes for eternity. a short time! only two years. and eternity is what we will get out of it :) i am so excited about having only 12 months left (it still gives me butterflies to think the number 12!). only 12 more months to get these wonderful weekly letters! i love how much we are growing together. i love my missionary so much and i'm so proud of him

ooohhh we're halfway there, ooohhh livin' on a prayer! take my hand, we'll make it i swear. oohhh livin on a prayer

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