Wednesday, January 1, 2014

olsen new year

Happy New Year's from the Olsen's!
we had a wonderful celebration. we saw FROZEN (best thing of all times ever!!!)
then we had dinner at The Roof. it was lovely and delicious and so much fun. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband to do such fun things with. it was so good to spend the evening looking at our temple.
2014 will bring lots of new things that we can't wait for! i'm so excited to see new places and try new things. we have lots of adventures planned and i just can't wait!!

haha our cute hats that they had on our place settings

my fancy drink, and of course handsome's dr pepper

ice sculpture!

what a view!!

yay for 2014!!!

christmas loves

where did December go???

Tayler and I's Etsy shop has been so fun! and we were featured on Groopdealz with these darling earrings we make.

here's my adorable new car!! shiny 2008 black Mazda3. notice handsome's comment on my picture of it :) love that man

gingerbread houses with our favorite gingers!! 

preview of our christmas cards we sent out! i'm in love

the day we invented our new tradition of a dessert first date

cutest tree around

our first nativity

for my cardinal room. obviously

first apartment key ornament :) planning on doing it with all our future house keys

figured out how to have pictures of our callings!!
the screenshot was after my december lesson. how blessed am i?? and on the right was when we got to go see the ogden christmas lights with Dallin's young men

family ornament party

haha outside our apartment complex

christmas morning!!!

one of my favorite gifts: got my wedding band!

super nice sewing machine from my mom and mother in law and two grandmas :) can't wait for all my sewing projects and quilting adventures!!

we had such a fun december together. except for the bronchitis i had for a week. but even that wasn't that bad because my sweetheart took such good care of me!! on to January!